Seasoned Firewood in Mount Laurel, NJ

Local Business in Mount Laurel, NJ

By choosing Big Timber Tree Service LLC for your firewood delivery you’re supporting a local business that’s been in the community for years. Local businesses like these are the backbone of Mount Laurel’s economy and culture. Plus when you buy locally sourced firewood you’re reducing your carbon footprint since the wood doesn’t have to be transported far.

You can buy firewood in small bundles at many stores but often at a premium price and not seasoned properly. Big Timber Tree Service LLC offers high quality seasoned wood in larger quantities so you save money and time. And buying firewood from a trusted local source ensures you get wood that’s been handled properly and not infested with pests or poorly seasoned wood that won’t burn well.

Local Business in Mount Laurel, NJ
Seasoned Firewood for Mount Laurel, NJ<br />

Seasoned Firewood for Mount Laurel, NJ

One of the biggest benefits of choosing Big Timber Tree Service LLC is the wood they deliver. When it comes to firewood not all wood is created equal. To get a fire to burn clean and efficiently you need seasoned firewood. Seasoned wood has been dried to reduce its moisture content so it burns hotter and produces less smoke. A big plus for those who heat with wood stoves or fireplaces.

Big Timber Tree Service LLC hand selects and processes hardwoods like oak, maple and cherry which are perfect for long burning fires. Whether you’re using it for heating, outdoor cooking or a backyard fire pit their firewood is versatile enough to meet all your needs.


$385: Cord

$195: Half Cord

$35: Delivery Fee

Call Now To Schedule a Firewood Delivery in Mount Laurel, NJ!

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